Best Image Sizes for Social Media
Thanks to the ever changing landscape of social media, it can be confusing to figure out the best image sizes for social media posts. If you don’t use the right image size you could end up with cropping that eliminates part of your text or cuts the heads off of your subjects! Sharing an image like that could damage your credibility and give the impression that you’re not detail oriented. We don’t want that to happen, so here’s the latest you need to know about the best image sizes for social media sharing as well as some juicy tidbits about social media image sharing.
My biggest tip, and one that’s not on this infographic, is that images on your blog that you want to share to Facebook should be a ratio of 1:1.91 in order to not be cropped or squished once shared. So if the width of your blog is 740px, then divide that by 1.91 to get the height of the image: 387px. How do you get an image that size? I’ve found that the most efficient way to size your images correctly is to first resize the image to the correct width, and then to crop it to the final height. I recommend PicMonkey for this process, it’s free and easy. After you’ve got the image the size you want, it’s always a good idea to optimize it so that it’s as small as it can possibly be, without any loss in quality. I’m a fan of Photobulk, it’s $5.99 in the app store, but so worth it if you’re going to be using images on your blog.
I hope this infographic I found helps you put your best foot forward on all of your pages!